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Compare the rates before you shop for a loan? - 2023-12-18

If you are looking for a loan, shopping around is very important. Comparing loan rates from different lenders will help you understand which loan and rate is best for you. According to us, never apply for pre-approval, it's nothing but a waste of time. As pre-approval means nothing, it is just like sharing your personal information with financial institutions. If you are pre-approved doesn’t mean you're approved. 

Now-a-days most financial institutions will not tell you rates, until you fill pre-approval form. That's nothing but to get your personal information. So that financial institutions can share your information with their analytical team, to study about your daily money spending; based on that they can do sales. 

So you have to check rates from different lenders and set the APR side by side to the fund offered to understand how much the funds are actually offered by each private lender/institution, as rates have a significant impact on the cost of your loan. 

You may also see an annual percentage rate or APR; what is APR ? Annual percentage rate may be defined as the interest rate paid each year on an outstanding loan amount. APR also represents the estimated cost of the yearly fees associated with some types of borrowing. Its the standard calculation used mostly by the lenders as a financial metric to help borrowers understand the implied returns and compare with different loan options. 

 Annual percentage rate (APR) = (interest expense+total fees/Loan Principal)  * 365

                                                               Number of days in loan term


Where, Periodic interest rate = (interest expense + total fees)/Loan Principal)

                                                              Number of days in Loan term                         

APR is expressed as percentage, the amount must be multiplied by 100. 


APR for mortgages is the total yearly cost associated with the borrowed fund from a financial institution. More fees associated rather than interest expenses are considered in the APR of a loan. 

APR for revolving credit determines the amount of interest due based on the carrying balance from month-to-month. If the bill is paid in full within time then no interest is incurred, since no payment is pending. 

Here are some key points to consider when comparing loan rates:

  • Annual Percentage Rate (APR): The APR includes both the interest rate and any additional fees or costs associated with the loan. It provides a more comprehensive picture of the total cost of borrowing.

  • Fixed vs. Variable Rates: Determine whether the interest rate is fixed (remains constant throughout the loan term) or variable (can change based on market conditions). Fixed rates provide stability, while variable rates may offer initial cost savings but carry the risk of increasing over time.

  • Loan Term: The length of the loan term can affect the overall cost. Shorter terms typically have higher monthly payments but lower total interest costs, while longer terms may result in lower monthly payments but higher overall interest payments.

  • Loan Amount: Different lenders may offer different rates based on the loan amount. Some lenders may provide better rates for larger or smaller loan amounts.

  • Credit Score: Your credit score plays a significant role in the interest rate you qualify for. Generally, individuals with higher credit scores are eligible for lower interest rates. Obtain your credit score before applying for loans to have an idea of the rates you might qualify for.

  • Loan Features: Consider any additional features or benefits offered by the lender, such as the option to make extra payments without penalties, loan prepayment options, or other perks.

  • Lender Reputation: Research and consider the reputation of the lenders you're evaluating. Read customer reviews, check for complaints, and ensure the lender is reputable and reliable.

  • Loan Type: Different types of loans (e.g., personal loans, auto loans, mortgages) may have different interest rate structures. Make sure you are comparing rates for the specific type of loan you need.

Choose a loan that best fits your financial needs and goals. Don’t rush, keep patience. Best of luck in your loan search.